About me

I'm a joint PhD at the universities of Groningen and Edinburgh, as part of the Marie Curie ITN CHAMELEON.

I will be working on using machine learning to perform atmospheric retrievals of exoplanets. Forward models complex enough to extract all the information present in future JWST spectra are computationally intensive, and training a neural network with such models will allow us to perform retrievals within minutes.

Francisco Ardevol Martinez


2013 - 2017
BSc in Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2017 - 2019
MSc in Astrophysics, University of Copenhagen
2020 - 2024 (expected)
PhD in Astrophysics, University of Groningen & University of Edinburgh


2020 - 2022
Teaching assistant for 'Statistical Signal Processing'

Get in touch

Kapteyn Institute • Landleven 12 • 9747AD Groningen • The Netherlands
+31 50 36 34073